Friday, August 01, 2008

I wrote a long update last week about the party I was going to, my housesitting adventures, and my mother's kidney stones (sorry you missed it) and the possibility of her coming to visit later this month -- despite owing me $400 -- but when I went to publish, Blogger wasn't available and I lost the entry. I'm sure you're sad.

Today's entry is all about how excited I am. I get Megan overnight, I'm picking her up in about an hour, and all day tomorrow. We're going to go to the farmer's market and out to breakfast and we'll make cupcakes and play with sidewalk chalk (poor kid is from the country and doesn't have a sidewalk) and run through the sprinklers and...I think we're going to run out of time. And I absolutely cannot wait for her T-ball to start next week. The wait is going to kill me. Perhaps that was in the entry I tried last week, too. She's starting T-ball! 3-5 year olds. How cute is that!? They only have 8 "games", every Tuesday and Thursday in August, but they get a team t-shirt, cap, and water bottle and they take team pictures. I'm going to miss two games since I'll be housesitting again, but poor Stacey has to miss all the Tuesday games.

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