Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Clementine had a good time at the party for WAK's roommate on Saturday, but I think she's ready to write him off. He apparently doesn't want anything "serious". She doesn't know if that means not serious like they were last year or just friends. So she's not going to contact him anymore. She was talking to his friend at the party, the sweet one, unfortunately with the girlfriend he adores:

We were talking in the garage and he goes "So I have to ask, what's the deal with you and WAK?" and I said, "I honestly don't know, he's a hard one to figure out." and he says "I don't know what his deal is. I tell him all the time. You are the coolest girl we've ever met, and you have the same sense of humor. You're like the same person. And, sorry if this is shallow, but you are totally cute." And then he said, "Even if you and WAK don't work out, I still want to hang out, because I think you rule. Most girls, once they find out I have a girlfriend, completely lose interest in hanging out with me."

I think it's time for him to lose his girlfriend.

She said that she's going to try really hard not to text WAK or anything, and just see what happens. It sucks because she still likes him, but "I think this whole shiz needs to be done."

So now you're all updated.

And she said that she was going to contact the parentals to see about holiday plans and when would be ideal to come visit me. I just reminded her so she'll let me know. Unfortunately, her laptop battery is dying so I'll have to wait to find out if/when she's coming.

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