Friday, April 17, 2009

IM conversation

Clem: I hate when you look at serving sizes and it's like 2 cookies

Me: ...or a snack pack of chips is 2 1/2 servings. Mmm, chips. I happen to know that there are cooler ranch in the vending machine downstairs

Me: My boss is thinking about a trip to Greece for *this* August, jerk. God, now I'm thinking about Doritos *and* Greece

Clem: No Doritos because we don't want to have to wear beekeeper uniforms in Greece
Celm: How are we going to seduce Greek billionaires with Dorito dust?
Clem: We aren't, that's how.

Me: That should be a perfume. I don't want a guy who's not attracted to Dorito dust

Clem: "For those of you who don't want to just see your favorite snack on your ass, you want to smell like it, too"

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