Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Party Poopers

The second set of my dad's friends who were going to visit this year pooped out. With my friends pooping out and my grandfather taking the eternal poop out, of the four possible visits this year, we have none. Last year, I had to alter my Christmas card to list the people I had visited, this year I'm not even visiting anyone so it's going to be slim pickings in Christmas card text.

Stacey's having a "Bon Voyage" party for her neighbor. Well, in honor of her neighbor, not for him. He was convicted of obtaining child pornography and will be going to jail on the 28th. So we're all celebrating with a barbeque on the 27th.

Speaking of jail, one of my tenants is behind on his rent. Someone tried to bite his finger off. How does one get in that situation? The tenant had to have some surgeries and everything. On top of his disability for breaking a shoulder at work and the air conditioner went out, two of burners on the stove no longer work, someone broke in when he was in the hospital and stole a lot of his stuff, including his telephone...My dad told me this today since he got the whole story when he went to post a 3 day pay or quit on the guy's door for me.

I've been spending money a little too freely and I'm paying for it now. But really, now, how do you pass up two wool skirts for $30 including shipping? Payday was Friday and I have $45 until next payday. Oops. Luckily, I start housesitting this weekend for a week so I'll be getting some extra cash.

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